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Ed and I are Aging–SFWMD Nutrient Loading Maps? Looking About the Same, SLR/IRL


Jacqui and Ed 2016
Jacqui and Ed 2005

Some things change…

And some things stay about the same….

Today, I was looking though my family library of photos and saw one from 2005, the year Ed and I got married.

“Boy we looked young,” I thought…”We have really changed…”

Then I noticed these SFWMD nutrient loading maps in the same file, as they were “published” in 2005 as well. These awesome maps were shared by SFWMD’s Boyd Gunsalus, such a helpful and smart person when it comes to water.

These SFWMD maps were very helpful to me when I was first learning about phosphorous and nitrogen loading by basins and Lake Okeechobee. The lake’s cumulative pollution is even higher than the different canals/basins. I would bet these numbers have not changed much. The state’s approach with BMAPS and TMDL’s is to be appreciated but just too slow.

Well, Ed and I have clearly aged and changed… but the maps–I bet if they made new ones for 2005-2016, the numbers would look about the same. I can’t say I’m envious. We are meant to change. To get better.


Maybe a scientist will chime in and let me know???

1. SFWMD Nitrogen 1995-2005
2. SFWMD Phosphorus 1995-2005
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