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Election Over, Watch Like a Hawk, St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon

Juvenile hawk, North River Shores, 11-1-14. (Photo Todd Thurlow.)
Juvenile hawk, North River Shores, 11-1-14. “Birds of Prey” have excellent vision. (Photo Todd Thurlow.)

The 2014 mid-term election is now over, but our job is just starting.

We must watch the governor; we must watch his administration and agencies; we must watch our town, city, county, state, and congressional candidates.  We are tired yes, but we must not take our eyes off them, not for a second.

Whether you voted for them or not, “winning the election” means that these candidates are working for you. But if you do not communicate with them, or watch what they are doing, don’t be surprised if they wander from their promises and goals. It is only through the pressure and support of the people that the representative process works.

The stately hawk in the photo above was taken by my brother Todd Thurlow, (http://thurlowpa.comat his North River Shores home this past weekend during the Stuart Air-Show. I think the hawk is symbolic for what we must do and how we must conduct ourselves. The hawk was not afraid of my brother or the loud and larger airplanes in the sky. It just kept watching……

As far as identifying the hawk,  I cannot tell if it is a red-shouldered, red-tailed or another type as the bird’s markings have not yet matured, and I am no expert of the avian species. If you know, please share! 

What I do know though, is that this bird’s eyesight, particularly because it is a “bird of prey,” is one of the very best in the animal kingdom.

Close up of hawk eye. Public photo.

“The visual ability of birds of prey is legendary, and the keenness of their eyesight is due to a variety of factors: eyes size to body mass; eyes shape and make up– with more receptors, foveae, rods and cones giving the bird spectacular long distance vision, seeing more than 6-8 times better than humans.”

Let this young hawk inspire us. Let’s not take our eyes off our elected officials!

Help me watch them; help me push them; help me encourage them to fight the next four years for sending more water south from Lake Okeechobee, and over all water quality for our area canals, St Lucie River and Indian River Lagoon.

Hawk with airplanes from air-show in distance. (Photo Todd Thurlow.)


Congratulations especially to winners Senator Joe Negron; Congressman Patrick Murphy and Martin County Commissioner, Ed Fielding whom I supported and promoted in this election. I will be watching! 🙂

Red Tailed Hawk: ( 

Red Shouldered hawk FWC: (

Bird Vision: (

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