Tag Archives: lions of florida

“Blog Break” through 3-23-15: INDIAN RIVER LAGOON, Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch

Lion guarding the bridge of St Augustine... (Photo Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch)
Lion guarding the bridge at St Augustine… (Photo Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch)

Changing times…

Saber-toothed cat skeletons have been found near Ft Meyers, across the state, and in Clewiston, just south of present day Lake Okeechobee. I would imagine a few of these giant canines made it over here to the ancient Indian River Lagoon Region…Wouldn’t you?

Have a good week; keep up the good fight! I’ll be back soon.


Clewiston Museum: (http://www.clewistonmuseum.org/links/exhibits.html)

Ancient lions once lived on all “continents” or lands of the Earth: About/Education: (http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/mesozoicmammals/p/American-Lion-Panthera-Leo-Atrox.htm)