Understanding C-PAC, JTL vs the Political Machine-A Retrospective, SLR/IRL

Part #3, PACS

  1. C-PAC

Today along the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon, I continue my series “JTL vs the Political Machine,” a retrospective for my county commission district 1 campaign loss. I find that hindsight is always 20/20, reviewing everything is helpful, and certainly understanding how things work will make me a better candidate in the future. As a teacher it is an oportunity for me to share the electoral process so others can learn too.

Yesterday we reviewed Write in Candidates, and the Firefighters Union. Today we begin with one of multiple PACs, or Political Action Committees. On the simplest level, a PAC is an organization that raises money privately to influence elections or legislation. PACs must report monies raised to election offices, and the tiers of giving are often multilayered and not easy to trace.

I am going to start with the PAC closest to home, C-PAC. C-PAC is the political action committee for the Stuart Chamber. https://www.stuartmartinchamber.org
I have a lot of acquaintances in the Stuart Chamber, but due to long-standing relationships and other factors the chamber supported my opponent Doug Smith. Thus we study his post card today.

The Stuart Chamber supported Mr Smith by sending out a post card for him. The average political postcard mailing for design, printing, and mailing runs around $15,000, so it is very helpful if a PAC sends out a postcard for you if you are a candidate because then you don’t have to raise the money yourself!

Below is the postcard C-PAC sent out for Doug Smith. Look closely on the back side bottom, it reads: “Paid Electioneering Communication paid for by C-PAC, 1650 S. Kanner, Highway, FL 34994” if Mr. Smith’s campaign had paid for this, it would say that…


For the busy and hardworking public, it is hard to take the time to find out where PACs get their money and thus who is really supporting a candidate so let’s look a bit deeper and see what we find out. It’s fun. Like being a detective!

First of all as C-PACs address is in Martin County, you have to go to the Martin County Supervisor of Election’s website and click on the COMMITTEE INFO, COMMITTEES, C-PAC, and then “Non Election Specific Reporting:”


Once clicking around one can see that in 2015 and 2016, C-PAC accepted PAC money from the following : IMG_5298.jpg

I know most of the donors in 2015, but who is Florida Jobs Pac in 2016 who gave $25,000 to C- PAC on 7/14/16? According to the StPetersburgBlog: Florida Jobs PAC is a political arm of the Florida Chamber of Commerce. That makes sense–but let’s look at the donations. As Florida Jobs Pac’s address is Tallahassee we must go to the Florida Division of Election’s website and type in Florida Jobs under “Committees:”

This is what comes up. There are many donors but some stand out like Duda and Sons Inc., Florida Crystals, FPL with so many, and United States Sugar Corporation. IMG_5299.jpgIMG_5300.jpg


So although the postcard says C-PAC. There is more to it than that. Good to know! We’ll study some more of the Tallahasse PACs in the coming days. They are very interesting too.


Learn more here: Dept of State: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/

3 thoughts on “Understanding C-PAC, JTL vs the Political Machine-A Retrospective, SLR/IRL

  1. Dear JTL, there are a few of us who try and a lot less of us who try harder. You are without a doubt a winner in the try harder department. THANK U FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK…IT PUT OUT POSITIVE VIBES THAT WILL RESONATE FOREVER.

  2. Thanks, Jacqui, for this valuable info that should enrage our good citizens.
    The soft money influence-peddling machines are among the worst malignancies we suffer, notably the hundreds of thousands showered on Big Sugar puppet Joe Negron.

  3. Jacqui, I’d like to help you in re-grouping. There’s an interesting possibility. Want to start fresh and include an Italian lunch?  Karl Wickstrom, Founder Florida Sportsman 2700 S. Kanner Hwy. Stuart, FL 34994 772-219-7400 ext. 118

    From: Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch To: kywickstrom@yahoo.com Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 12:25 PM Subject: [New post] Unerstanding C-PAC, JTL vs the Political Machine-A Retrospective, SLR/IRL #yiv8341207188 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv8341207188 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv8341207188 a.yiv8341207188primaryactionlink:link, #yiv8341207188 a.yiv8341207188primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv8341207188 a.yiv8341207188primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv8341207188 a.yiv8341207188primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv8341207188 WordPress.com | Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch posted: “Part #3, PACS C-PACToday along the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon, I continue my series “JTL vs the Political Machine, a retrospective for my county commission district 1 campaign loss. I find that hindsight is always 20/20, reviewing everything i” | |

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