“100 Year Anniversary of the St. Lucie Canal,” a pamphlet

Although it is nothing to celebrate, it is important to know that this year is the 100 year anniversary of the St. Lucie Canal…

I had a goal last year, and that goal was to start writing a book on the history of the St. Luice Canal. I was very fortunate to have plenty of support with materials from the Jacksonville Army Corp of Engineers, the South Florida Water Management District, Dr. Gary Goforth, my mother, historian Sandra Thurlow, and my brother Todd Thurlow, author of the eyeonlakeo website. I started with a series of blog posts in 2023 that helped me get oriented.

By June 19, 2023, after over four years of dedicated service, I had not been reconfirmed by the Senate or reappointed by the Governor to the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District. As usual, I had spoken up and ruffled feathers; this time in my opposition to Senate Bill 2508. I was crushed but proud not to have been intimidated by power, or to have conformed to something less than what I believed in.  I left with my soul intact as an outspoken and passionate advocate for the St. Lucie River, for that and for my service I am grateful.

During that difficult time of transition, my mother, as she has done multiple times in my life, provided opportunity and direction. “Jacqui I am going to write a book on the history of Palm City, would you co-author with me?” I was stunned as I knew nothing about Palm City except it was a cow pasture when I was a kid, but I did know something about the St. Lucie Canal and C-23 Canals that have absolutely shaped Palm City. Mom and I have been working for almost a year now and the book, A Pictorial History of Palm City, will be published by the end of 2024. So, I never wrote my book on the history of the St. Lucie Canal, but I was able to participate in something much more valuable, working together and learning from my amazing mother.

About a month ago, I  put together this general information pamphlet entitled “100 Year Anniversary of the St. Lucie Canal.” Yes, it has been 100 years!

This light pamphlet is coming in handy, perhaps even more than a book, during this 2024 round of Lake Okeechobee discharges. I know we are all saddened by the continued degradation of our waters. The way I look at it is that environmental issues are cultural issues taking centuries to change. We are and have been part of that change. Never be discouraged when you are on the right side of history! ~Copies are available at the Stuart Heritage Museum or just call me at 772-486-3818.

7 thoughts on ““100 Year Anniversary of the St. Lucie Canal,” a pamphlet

  1. Handed out quite a few of your pamphlets at the Capt Sewall house tours on Wednesday. There was a lot of interest. I easily could have spent the whole time speaking on the St. Lucie River water issues but I had to get back to my Capt Sewall PPT Presentation (the one made by your darling mother). We had about 60 people there and the snowbirds all wanted to know more. I invited them to the Rivers Coalition Meeting on March 28th 11:00 at Stuart City Chambers.

  2. Jacqui,
    Thank you for your impactful work on the South Florida Water Management District. I know you won’t stop pushing for environmental solutions in that venue.

    I look forward to reading your pamphlet on the river. I hope you still will write that book. It would be invaluable to share your unique perspective, your depth of knowledge, and your ability to communicate how the St. Lucie River and its challenges affect our lives.

    Cathy Reeder

  3. Thanks again for your work and saw the most recent picture of the “mud” running out the inlet.
    I used to love to surf at the ” stumps” north of hobe sound beach and hated to be exposed to that mess. Mrs. Sally Peters used to share hers pics and memories with me and Lord, they were beautiful. Wish she was still here. So again thanks for your work and love for our rivers. God bless. Scott P.

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