Todd Thurlow, Time Capsule Flights +

“Time Capsule Flights,” created by my brother, Todd Thurlow, has been a shared favorite on my blog since 2014. In these remarkable videos, Todd uses his legal and historical knowledge to create a living collage juxtaposing historic and modern-day images to achieve dramatic insights into watershed and land use changes in Florida over the past hundred years. These videos are a must for anyone wishing to understand our state’s history or working to restore its waters and lands in the future. You can access all of Todd’s videos here:




Todd can be reached at Thurlow and Thurlow P.A. in Stuart:

Even before they were published by NOAA, my brother developed an easy way to view ‘hard to find’ satellite images, juxtaposing public experimental NOAA true color to NCCOS HAB imagery giving the public an understandable idea of the cyanobacteria levels on Lake Okeechobee. Most recently, Todd and Dr Gary Goforth are publishing easy to read color-coded Basin Water Quality Maps. See link below to view Todd’s website!

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