It’s Now a Florida Trend: “Clean Water is Business!”

Florida Trend cover; Southeast; Southwest, Jan. 2019

Since I was a girl, I always saw Florida Trend Magazine on my parents’ coffee table. It represented, and still does, the face of business in Florida. And typically that is all that is reported, of course, straight business. I must say I was ecstatic to yesterday receive my January 2019 issue of Florida Trend and see that water quality issues were reported multiple times. A turning point.

Thank you Florida Trend Magazine, because we all know in Florida, clean water is good business. And when we make it business to clean up our waters, we all win!

Florida Trend:

Customer Services and full cover of Jan. 2019 edition:

Very cool – Florida Trend covers 1958-2007:

Florida Trend Wiki:

Recent editorial on water by editor, Mr. M.R. Howard:

3 thoughts on “It’s Now a Florida Trend: “Clean Water is Business!”

  1. The problem has always been that sometimes clean water has interfered with some business…and then we get dirty water….think sugar and ag.

  2. Putting calcium carbonate in Lake O. exsposed big ag. (sugar) and sealed secratary of agriculture Adam Putnams fate in run for govener. but the real casualties are the creatures just trying to survive the carnage.

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