Back Up, After a Triple Knockout, CRC January 11-12, 2018

Face down on the dike at Lake Okeechobee, photo Ed Lippisch 1-15-18

On Monday, I had Ed drive me to the lake. I needed to see it face-to-face, and be reminded of why I am driven to protect Florida’s environment.

It was a beautiful, chilly, day and as I lay on the warm earth, soaking it all in, Ed snapped a photo. I laughed when I saw it, thinking it summarized my experience at the Constitution Revision Commission last week in Tallahassee.

A triple knock out.

But I am back up, and today will fill you in on last week, and note what remains possible for the future.On Thursday, January 11th, I presented two proposals to the Executive Committee; a committee upon which I serve. Both proposals were voted down.

They were: P 24, “Creating a Commissioner of Environmental Protection,” and P48, “FWC/Wildlife Corridors.”

I presented right after highly respected, former Senate President, Don Gaetz, who spoke in favor of a making the Secretary of State, once again, a cabinet position.

We were both voted down. The committee had no tolerance for expanding the executive branch in any form.

Exec. Committee Florida Channel:

On Friday, I awoke to torrential rains and cold temperatures, rushing to make it in the darkness by 8:00 am to stand before the Judicial Committee, finally, for a vote on controversial, Gunster-attorney-fought, and widely reported P23, “A Right to A Clean and Healthful Environment.” It was voted down by every member of the committee as it would have created  a new “cause of action,” and given citizens standing, regarding environmental claims, in a court of law. In the committee’s opinion, P23 would have caused a Florida litigation nightmare.

For me, the lack of prioritization for the environment, the over-protection of permit holders, and the “buddy-agency-system,” holding it all in place, is already causing a “nightmare;” thus, I was all for a change and in favor of this student-inspired proposal that spoke for what the CRC is supposed to be speaking for—-its citizens.

In any case, it was quite a lesson for me, bleeding my heart out, and getting denied. I was not embarrassed, just kind of numb. I must say, it was very kind, and I appreciated that many of my comrades complimented my efforts and encouraged me to continue my fight, right before the knock-out punch. 🙂

Judicial Committee meeting, Florida Channel:

Thank you to reporter Jim Turner, from the News Service of Florida, who stood with me afterwards as I mumbled trying to find words to instill inspiration in my defeat. His article is a good summary:

Jim Turner, New Service of Florida:

So, I have two of my five proposals still alive.

P48, “Clarifying Language Amd. 1, 2014, Land Acquisition Trust Fund” and

P91,  “No Oil and Gas Drilling in Florida’s Territorial Waters”

No dates have been set to hear these proposals, but in the meanwhile, I am back up on my feet and getting ready for the next round. I know it will come. I have been studying one of my favorite boxers, Sugar Ray Leonard, who was a favorite of my students in Pensacola, for some moves. I’m going to be ready!

Thanks for you support and for your love of Florida’s environment.


JTL is a member of the Constitution Revision Commission 1018.  See Jacqui’s sponsored proposals and CRC webpage here:

Ed on the dike with Bo and Luna, Lake Okeechobee 1-15-18
I’m standing….
S-308 at Port Mayaca, the awful ACOE structure that allows water in from Lake Okeechobee that destroys the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon; note color of water even in winter, video below.

Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch is a member of the 2018 Constitution Revision Commission; she was appointed by Senate President Joe Negron:

9 thoughts on “Back Up, After a Triple Knockout, CRC January 11-12, 2018

  1. Jacqui, I give you enormous credit for taking this project on in the first place. Thank you!

    In spite of the Boards decision, working with the students, involving them as you did, is still a win-win lesson for them in the complexity of political wrangling and outside influence, that they will long remember.

    You are and always will be, a champion for the environment. What’s more important though, is your willingness to be human and open about yourself going forward.

  2. Jacqui, you are admired and appreciated for your enthusiasm, intestinal fortitude and willingness to do this for “all of us” who want a beautiful, safe and healthful environment!
    I am one of your eternally grateful “cheerleaders!”

  3. Keep telling the truth; maybe someday they will listen. If they just took the locks out, the river would heal, because the water would seek it’s own level instead of being “managed”, but then it wouldn’t be available for navigation in dry times or for sugar irrigation. The Corps system of canals, STA’s and pumping stations is the worst most expensive design they could think up. If they just took down the locks and the dike and let the water flow naturally, the miracle of the Everglades would come back. Gross over-reaction to the 1928 Hurricane ruined the Everglades; now that we have advance warning and time to evacuate, the dike is no longer necessary; in fact keeping the water level artificially high is a lot more dangerous than just letting the water level be natural.

  4. Be proud of the work and the opportunity you are presenting. I believe it takes bold and thoughtful initiatives to make for good change. I’d like to think that some of the folks representing us in Tallahassee would have the forethought to think the same way. I, as well as many, many others are proud of the work you do. Keep on doing it, please. Thank you!!

  5. Traditionally, Floridians—Republicans and Democrats— have understood the importance of our environment and ecosystem, which is the lifeblood of our economy and way of life. It’s a shame the committee seems to have forgotten this. Let’s pray members remember when voting on your next two revision proposals, especially when it comes to off shore drilling. The late Senator Lawton Chiles is probably weeping in heaven.

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