Sugar Burning, SLR/IRL

Last week, Ed and I toured guests in the Baron to see elements of the Everglades Agricultural Area. It was a beautiful day and clear as a bell. “Clear as a bell” until the smoke from the burning sugarcane fields built up actually causing turbulence on the way home.

Witnessing the burning from the sky is quite dramatic and few get to see, thus I am sharing today. I took these photos in the area north of the east/west running Bolles Canal; there is a map below, but you’ll have to search to find the Bolles. Look right under Lake Okeechobee. I am also including videos, and educational links for understanding.



*The video above was taken in the EAA during a tour in 2016. Some viewers must go to web site to view:

(Older educational Video but still great information explaining burning and sugar processing, 1983, Sugar Cane League) see link:

(In opposition to burning, 2015) See link:

SFWMD map showing STAs and WCAs. (Storm Water Treatment Areas clean the water of excess phosphorus and nitrogen from agriculture and developement via vegetation and then flow into the Water Conservation Areas, from here the water has been cleaned of phosphorus and nitrogen and hopefully meets standards that allow it to go into the Everglades.)
Senator Negron’s proposed land purchase of EAA lands for Everglades Restoration’s EAA Reservoir, 2017–a familiar map right now shown for education and perspective.

3 thoughts on “Sugar Burning, SLR/IRL

  1. And we peasants/citizens can’t even burn the leaves in our yards. What’s wrong with this picture? Follow the money from Big Sugar to Tallahassee. Disgusting. Time for recalls

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