Taking a Look for Ourselves, Algae Flyover, Lake O, SLR/IRL

Visible algae around S-308 at Port Mayaca , August 3 2016.


Algae Flyover…

Included today are aerial images my husband Ed Lippisch took Wednesday, August 3rd and a satellite image for grand overview.

As far as my husband’s photos, the algae is lessened but it there. Look closely. The above image is of S-308 the structure that allows water to enter the C-44 canal, S-80 and then the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon. Algae blooms can be identified even from 1000 feet.

The photos included below may be recognizable to many of  you showing other views of S-308, S-80, the C-44 canal and the St Lucie River in the area of Palm City. Alage blooms are present.

The Landsat satellite image also from Aug 3rd was shared by my brother Todd Thurlow. As he notes, “it has been cloudy thus viewing is difficult.” Nonetheless, these images are key to knowing what is going on in the lake.

So thank you Ed! Thank you Todd! We will continue to check things ourselves hoping another toxic algae episode is not on the way. Also Thank you to the ACOE/SFWMD  for lessening the discharges from Lake Okeechobee to the estuaries since e June 29th. Better but not best. The long term goal? Clean up this water and re-plumb this state.

Aug 3 2016 Landsat satellite

SFWMD canal and basin map. C-44 canal is the canal most southerly in the image.


7 thoughts on “Taking a Look for Ourselves, Algae Flyover, Lake O, SLR/IRL

  1. Unfortunately the dissipation of the Algae is not the end of the problem; Algae is just a symptom of the disease, like a heart attack is just a symptom of chronic arterial blockage. Until we stop the sludge and slime and fresh water which is gushing into the St. Lucie from ever being discharged again, the Estuary cannot begin to heal, and the next symptom may be fatal. We are now finding out that the toxins in the water may be contributing to degenerative nerve disease and even alzheimers disease; just what we need in Stuart with our aging population. Stop the Discharges Permanently, and our River can get well, and our people will be healthier as well.


    Mac Stuckey

    1. Stopping the discharges means that rehabilitation of the Herbert Hoover Dike must be completed. It will take time and money but it’s essential if there won’t be a major outlet for the lake when the water level rises. Also, 95% of the lake’s water is polluted water from the Orlando-Kissimmee area. They’re dumping their sewers into the Kissimmee River. They’re spreading sewage sludge on the Okeechobee Watershed. All of this is making the algae grow out of control in Lake O. A lot has to be done besides stopping the discharges to the St. Lucie estuary.

  2. This is definitely amazing footage. Would love to get involved somehow. I am a GIS Professional, plus I am from Indiantown since 1961, also retired military Army 24 years, and a recent college graduate. I love the environment. Lets help.


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  3. Jacqui, it’s people like you and your husband who will start making a difference. Mother Earth and it’s living creatures can not thank you enough. We are fighting the good fight in confederate Lee County as best we can.. Phil, crca.caloosahatchee.org

  4. Jacquie, do you know the scientist Brian Lapointe from FAU? Here is his contact. http://www.fau.edu/hboi/meh/hab.php
    Yesterday there was an approxomately 8 minute segment on the PBS Newshour Weekend about the Lagoon, and Dr. Lapointe blamed all of the problems on septic tanks! (Of course, we do not know if his comments were taken out of context; he may have also discussed the Lake O discharges and the PBS producers just did not use it.) But I was very, very dismayed by the story.

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