Kudos Adam Putnam; Kudos River Warriors, Hope. SLR/IRL


Adam Putnam before the River Warriors 2016
Adam Putnam before the River Warriors 2-11-16

History is being made…

History, “being changed,” is always uncomfortable….

—-Kudos to Adam Putnam, and —-Kudos to the River Warriors…

This is not an easy video to watch, and I apologize for the foul language, but I do think it is important we document this movement. Yesterday evening Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture, and more than likely our next Governor, stood in a sea of angry River Warriors at an Economic Council dinner at the Elliott Museum in Martin County, Florida.

The crowd angry over the discharges once again killing the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon as well as their way of life and their businesses… –We see here how volatile and political the issue has become.

That Adam Putnam tried very hard to talk to the crowd and remained amongst them for such a length of time is to his credit. It is well-known that in the past politicians have run away. I do believe there is a silver lining here. I do believe this means that someone may have been found who is brave enough and versed enough to tackle this issue beyond “finishing the projects.”

For all involved, this is hard to do, but can be done.

We must find a way to sit at the table together to begin to solve this issue . May this difficult day have been the beginning. —-Hope.

Link: Adam Putnam/River Warrior’s protest Martin County:(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LWenTwa9o8)

(I retrieved  this video from multiple pages on Facebook )

5 thoughts on “Kudos Adam Putnam; Kudos River Warriors, Hope. SLR/IRL

  1. Thank you, Jacqui. It will take every single Floridian working on this together, as our problem is large, and all of us have rights in this issue. I personally decided the anger I feel at the destruction of our state is best directed into searching for solutions. I really do feel the UF Study is a decent beginning… We NEED more storage everywhere and I believe we will be more productive if we make room in this conversation for everyone.

  2. He will not be our next Governor, His dispassionate look on his face, he has done much damage to our state along with Rick Scott and their cronies in the State Legislature , and they continue to do so. He was spinning the BS that just because of record rain fall they were dumping on us! They have been dumping on us for 80 years and will continue to do so. They decided not to take the option to buy the sugar land with the Amendment 1 money for the flow way south. They have been taking the side of BIG AG AND BIG SUGAR all along and continue to do so they have been spinning the web of lies that the water is just full of tannins and that is all that is going on and it is the flooding that is the issue. YOU KNOW BETTER!!! PUTNAM couldn’t have been more disingenuous!

  3. Just keep alienating the very people who can help you…..sad to hear the language and the shrillness of people who actually do not have a clue regarding the realities of the system and the facts regarding “storage” opportunities. Lots of emotion, lots of ignorance and even more impolite treatment to an official whose support is badly needed….Sad…..

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